Are you ready to
start your social
enterprise journey?

Our Mission

Are you 18-35 and want to start your own impact-driven business? Summit Social is a training series that aims to help young adults build the foundations for running a successful social enterprise step by step.

A social enterprise is a business that uses profits to support and benefit people or the planet. You will learn what social enterprise is and why we believe it plays such a fundamental role across communities now and will into the future.

The course is designed to encourage a human-centred way of thinking that involves the interests of its end-users and communities. Our goal is to equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to gain confidence in planning, organising and implementing your idea. Watching the videos, exploring the resources and completing the activities within each episode will help you create an insightful business plan.

We can't wait to see how you will transform your communities with social enterprise to help people and the planet!

Discover Summit Social

Click an icon below to find out more.

Summit Social:
On The Map

Wicklow map outline with magnifying glass

The Course Structure

open book

What You'll Achieve

red flag with white vertical stripe

My Social Enterprise Journey


Profile Page

Why not upload a photo or write a short bio on your profile page? This page lets you say why you are interested in Summit Social so you can share what you are about and why you are following this online training series with other participants. Track your training progress on the progress bar, where episode icons light upon completion of an episode. Your profile page also highlights your next episode to explore.

Track your Progress

progress bar

Track your Progress

Whether you follow the training programme from A-Z or navigate the series in a different order, track your progress and completed episodes with your progress bar, visible on your profile page.

progress bar

What are Personas?

A Persona is a character that represents a demographic or group of users. Ideally, we use a range of different personas when developing a project and use them to imagine how our Users might react to our ideas. This helps inform our project further and ensures we are always considering the benefit to the user rather than only our own wants and opinions. In Summit Social, we have four different Personas with four different personalities and journeys.

Click on the characters to discover their story.









Who's Involved

Summit Social Guides

Hand palm

Summit Social Guides lead you through all twelve episodes of Summit Social. They host headline videos, introducing you to new concepts and discussing how to apply the learnings to the real world.

Social Entrepreneurs

green rosette

Throughout the episodes, you will hear about the journeys of established and budding social entrepreneurs in direct interviews and the people who work with and support them. Read their bios to find out more.

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